We all have good friends, close friends, acquaintances and well-wishers. When we don’t feel appreciated by our loved ones, it’s possible to feel sad. This is the story of Harshit*, a 21-year-old who came to The Mind Research Foundation stating that his friends weren’t treating him well making him question his self-worth, confidence leading to a reduction in socialization and heightened isolation.

On further conversation with Harshit*, he said that his distress revolved around his changed relationships with his friends from the past 3-4 months. He also mentioned that he would prioritize them and put their needs above his own and that would make him even more disappointed with his friends and himself. Sensing that he lacked assertiveness in his everyday life, our psychologist started understanding his values and beliefs to get a better understanding of how he viewed himself and the world around him. Once our psychologist got a better idea, they engaged in Bull’s eye which is a technique that focuses on your values and how far or close you are to them. As a result, Harshit worked on meditation, his lifestyle, engaged in regular exercise, socializing through his favorite hobbies (3D art) and establishing healthy boundaries and being assertive about his needs. The sessions focused on acceptance with the changed relationships with his friends and focused on his commitment to extracurricular activities so that he wouldn’t depend only on his existing friends for support.

(*name changed for anonymity)