23-year-old Divya* came in with complaints of anger outbursts, and picking fights with family members, her boyfriend, and her colleagues. Her behavior led everyone around her to be terrified of her, making her lonely and socially incompatible. Apart from this, she feels like she’s not good enough at her work, is feeling pressure due to her father’s illness who is a heart patient, isn’t able to connect with her sister, and also witnesses the fights between her parents. On top of all this, her family was pressuring her to get married which didn’t help at all.
She ended up slapping her boyfriend for trying to comfort her while she was venting about how unappreciated she left about her work life. This incident made Divya* see that she needed some professional help and reached out to us. Once she started having sessions with our psychologist, she gained the confidence to open up and discuss her career growth, weight gain, frustrations and being entangled in her parents, and so on…
After opening up, Divya* started showing remarkable changes within weeks. She learned to prioritize the areas she wanted to address, healthy relaxation techniques, and more. Over a period, she started expressing her anger and needs in a healthy manner, making her less irritable and more calm and composed.
(*name changed for anonymity)